Thursday, July 17, 2008

Netroots Nation, Day 1

Registration went smooth, and I was able to get a good wireless signal to call Oakland Lost and Found. I highly recommend Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill!!! Finally met Charles Chamberlin from DFA, and I'm seeing a lot of people from Washington. We have quite a crowd here, which is good to see. Maybe we should try hosting one of these some year.

I remember one of the Boston events I was at a few years ago, I think January of 2007, where I was interviewed by someone from the BBC. Just an audio interview, and I couldn't find it online. This time, it was Channel 42, KEYE. A full length interview on what blogging means to me and how it grew after the Dean campaign blog in 2004. I hope I did them proud. We'll see tonight at 10.

Howard Dean is giving the keynote speech tonight, and then there is a DFA Caucus meeting between 9:15 and 10:00. Another late night, I think. I am enjoying this, however.

1 comment:

Mona said...

Hosting here is a great idea! Great to hear the NW is there. Hows the climate, (political that is)? Any one issue folks are talking about?